Society Archives - Sadbook Collections a mostly daily comic of a stick figure human Sun, 10 Dec 2023 22:08:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Society Archives - Sadbook Collections 32 32 214813770 #58 • Sometimes a Human Sun, 10 Dec 2023 22:08:22 +0000 The post #58 • Sometimes a Human appeared first on Sadbook Collections.

existential comic 'sometimes a human' stick figure sits at table of thinky thoughts: 'but sometimes, you end up in a piece of cardboard, very uncomfortable, taped up, and when you get out...' sproing! out jumps stick figure human. other stick figures ooh and ah and say, 'what a nice vase!'

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#56 • Book Sold Sun, 10 Dec 2023 22:03:33 +0000 The post #56 • Book Sold appeared first on Sadbook Collections.

funny author comic, 'yay, i wrote a book' in it goes to the rube goldberg machine. chug chug, whee! a buyer says, 'looks good will buy!' gives 10 coins, going in! glug glug. 5 coins out to distributors! 4 coins out to bookstores! 1 coin out of machine into stick figure, the writer's, hand... pop!

The post #56 • Book Sold appeared first on Sadbook Collections.

#52 • Economics Sun, 10 Dec 2023 21:55:23 +0000 The post #52 • Economics appeared first on Sadbook Collections.

stick figures without the sticks! stick figure human and associate will now discuss economics [economics comic] 'what happened to our drawings?' asks one. 'well, it's the price of sticks. they went up 300% this year.' says another. 'ohh,' thinks stick figure, 'this muse be what they call an out-of-body experience...'

The post #52 • Economics appeared first on Sadbook Collections.

#41 • Bass Sun, 03 Dec 2023 20:26:14 +0000 The post #41 • Bass appeared first on Sadbook Collections.

'the bass beat from down the street' someone asks sadbook, 'so what have you been up to?' sadbook answers 'well, recently i've been—' the bass beat starts up! BOOM BOOM BOOM it fills the sky it's all around! 'planning to kill someone,' says sadbook

The post #41 • Bass appeared first on Sadbook Collections.

#38 • Survey Sun, 03 Dec 2023 20:16:08 +0000 The post #38 • Survey appeared first on Sadbook Collections.

survey privacy comic stick figure is given a survey with blank spaces to fill out 'race' sex' a mechanical hand waiting for the answer. stick figure throws it aside and answers 'no'

The post #38 • Survey appeared first on Sadbook Collections.

#33 • Valentine’s Day Sun, 03 Dec 2023 20:04:58 +0000 The post #33 • Valentine’s Day appeared first on Sadbook Collections.

valentines day single comic happy stick figure muses 'i love valentine's day. I get to make nice food and decorate, I even have a beautiful tulip—' is interrupted by the TV shouting 'you will be happier when you are together!' stick figure thinks a moment, then turns off the TV and smiles

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#29 • Health Insurance Sun, 03 Dec 2023 19:46:14 +0000 The post #29 • Health Insurance appeared first on Sadbook Collections.

health insurance comic 'you need health insurance' says voice. sadbook says 'but i'm not sick' then anvil titled health insurance falls and flattens stick figure

The post #29 • Health Insurance appeared first on Sadbook Collections.

#26 • No Scum Allowed Sun, 03 Dec 2023 03:08:02 +0000 The post #26 • No Scum Allowed appeared first on Sadbook Collections.

sadbook walks by a fancy building with a plaque that says 'no scum allowed' dresses up all fancy to get in, so curious, what's it like in there? inside, everyone's at a big long table chatter chattering away, so self-absorbed and rich, sadbook walks away, out the door, throws the fancy straw boater hat on the ground! fling! what a place

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