Existential Archives - Sadbook Collections https://sadbookcollections.com/category/existential/ a mostly daily comic of a stick figure human Sun, 10 Dec 2023 22:34:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.3 https://i0.wp.com/sadbookcollections.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/cropped-SadBook-Favicon-2.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 Existential Archives - Sadbook Collections https://sadbookcollections.com/category/existential/ 32 32 214813770 #68 • Stuck https://sadbookcollections.com/68-stuck/ Sun, 10 Dec 2023 22:34:23 +0000 https://sadbookcollections.com/?p=1308 The post #68 • Stuck appeared first on Sadbook Collections.

sad comic existential comic stick figure amid dark scribbles, curled up, thinks 'I don't want to be here anymore'

The post #68 • Stuck appeared first on Sadbook Collections.

#64 • Near Death Experience https://sadbookcollections.com/64-near-death-experience/ Sun, 10 Dec 2023 22:24:42 +0000 https://sadbookcollections.com/?p=1296 The post #64 • Near Death Experience appeared first on Sadbook Collections.

near death experience comic, existential comic, artist comic, stick figure human lies in bed and thinks: 'and so I wonder (in between being so scared) am I happy with my life? Have I put something into the world that I'm proud of? If I were not going to wake up again, could I still know that I'd done what I could — left behind a few things that show where I'm going, what I'm trying to accomplish? If I became a tragic tale, would there still be some triumph in it? will others understand? Can I be content?' finally, thinks, 'yes. I think so.'

The post #64 • Near Death Experience appeared first on Sadbook Collections.

#60 • In a Boring Place https://sadbookcollections.com/60-in-a-boring-place/ Sun, 10 Dec 2023 22:12:23 +0000 https://sadbookcollections.com/?p=1284 The post #60 • In a Boring Place appeared first on Sadbook Collections.

boredom comic - hopeful comic - in a boring place - stick figure looks up - 'but oh! so many stars!'

The post #60 • In a Boring Place appeared first on Sadbook Collections.

#59 • Get Over It https://sadbookcollections.com/59-get-over-it/ Sun, 10 Dec 2023 22:10:33 +0000 https://sadbookcollections.com/?p=1281 The post #59 • Get Over It appeared first on Sadbook Collections.

stick figure walking along meets a big roadblock that says 'get over it' tries to climb, but falls down. stares at 'get over it' then comes with a paintbrush and bucket of paint, begins to paint trees and sun and happy things all across the roadblock instead

The post #59 • Get Over It appeared first on Sadbook Collections.

#58 • Sometimes a Human https://sadbookcollections.com/58-sometimes-a-human/ Sun, 10 Dec 2023 22:08:22 +0000 https://sadbookcollections.com/?p=1278 The post #58 • Sometimes a Human appeared first on Sadbook Collections.

existential comic 'sometimes a human' stick figure sits at table of thinky thoughts: 'but sometimes, you end up in a piece of cardboard, very uncomfortable, taped up, and when you get out...' sproing! out jumps stick figure human. other stick figures ooh and ah and say, 'what a nice vase!'

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#54 • In Exile https://sadbookcollections.com/54-in-exile/ Sun, 10 Dec 2023 21:58:59 +0000 https://sadbookcollections.com/?p=1266 The post #54 • In Exile appeared first on Sadbook Collections.

stick figure human floats sadly on a floaty in the middle of the pool. we do not want to be in florida

The post #54 • In Exile appeared first on Sadbook Collections.

#41 • Bass https://sadbookcollections.com/41-bass/ Sun, 03 Dec 2023 20:26:14 +0000 https://sadbookcollections.com/?p=1223 The post #41 • Bass appeared first on Sadbook Collections.

'the bass beat from down the street' someone asks sadbook, 'so what have you been up to?' sadbook answers 'well, recently i've been—' the bass beat starts up! BOOM BOOM BOOM it fills the sky it's all around! 'planning to kill someone,' says sadbook

The post #41 • Bass appeared first on Sadbook Collections.

#35 • Zoo https://sadbookcollections.com/35-zoo/ Sun, 03 Dec 2023 20:08:43 +0000 https://sadbookcollections.com/?p=1205 The post #35 • Zoo appeared first on Sadbook Collections.

zoo comic animal comic stick figure and animal regard each other. in the zoo, the animals look at you

The post #35 • Zoo appeared first on Sadbook Collections.

#34 • Fishing https://sadbookcollections.com/34-2-fishing/ Sun, 03 Dec 2023 20:06:29 +0000 https://sadbookcollections.com/?p=1201 The post #34 • Fishing appeared first on Sadbook Collections.

fishing comic stick figure comic sits on rock with fishing pole and under the water, a sea monster considers the bait

The post #34 • Fishing appeared first on Sadbook Collections.

#28 • Together https://sadbookcollections.com/28-together/ Sun, 03 Dec 2023 19:42:55 +0000 https://sadbookcollections.com/?p=1182 The post #28 • Together appeared first on Sadbook Collections.

together dramatic irony comic 'hey do you want to hang out sometime?' sadbook asks. person on other end of phone says, 'no, I'd rather go climb mt everest' and hangs up. sadbook looks down sadly and says, 'oh...'

The post #28 • Together appeared first on Sadbook Collections.
